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Soft skills or non-technical skills are transferable skills that can be used in many different types of jobs. They are personal qualities and attitudes that can help a candidate work well with others and make a positive contribution to your organisation. While technical skills can be taught on the job, something like critical thinking or effective communication can’t. There are several techniques that employers can use to evaluate a candidate’s soft skills.
Important soft skills
InitiativeWhen problems arise, does your candidate take the initiative to resolve them on their own, or do they wait until someone else tells them to do it? Ask your candidate whether they ever independently identified a problem in the workplace and what steps they took to correct it.
Communication skillsCommunication skills are important in most industries and job settings. One of the first ways to evaluate a candidate’s communication skills is by looking at their cover letter. A well written, error free cover letter and CV is a good tip-off that the candidate is articulate. Verbal communication skills can be assessed at the interview stage.
Decision making abilitiesGood decision making requires critical thinking and critical thinking demands self-awareness, particularly of subconscious bias. Ask candidates to describe and explain a decision they made that ran counter to a personal bias.
Ability to learn from the pastThe ability to learn from the past and apply that learning to new situations shows intelligence and flexibility. Give your candidate a hypothetical problem to solve that lies outside of their past experiences. Can they take what they know and use that knowledge on something new?
Ability work as a teamThe ability to work in a team is important for most jobs – It enables you to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently than tackling projects individually. Cooperating together on various tasks reduces workloads for all employees by enabling them to share responsibilities or ideas.
Behavioural interview questionsBehavioural interview questions are those that centre around real life experiences, as opposed to hypothetical situations. These questions are probably the most effective way to evaluate the above soft skills during an interview.
By asking for real life examples, you'll get more insight into how well the candidate works under pressure, how they communicate and their work ethic. Some examples of behavioural interview questions include:
How candidates’ current and former colleagues speak of them can say volumes. Make sure you call for references and don’t forget to look for recommendations on LinkedIn profiles too. Paying attention to soft skills before and during your interview will mean you’ll benefit in the long run with a new hire who is good in real life, not just on paper.
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